LDG Publishing

©2001 LDG Publishing

Larrie's poetic talent has crossed many threshholds through his public performances.

Cooley Elementary School, Feb 26, 2001

His artistic expressions have been performed at:

  • Disneyland
  • Reno, NV
  • Washington D.C.
  • El Paso, TX
    Cooley Elemetary School, Slider Middle School,
    La Hacienda Restaurant, the Oseye Cultural Arts Center, the El Paso Public Library, and Montwood High School (Gifted Students Program).
  • Good Morning El Paso Television Program
  • Ft. Worth, TX

  • 2019 Great Stone Viaduct Winter Lecture Series, Bellaire, OH ---- " From Africa to Life in America "

   Larrie has been a featured performer at "Open Microphone" events.
